At the beginning of June while we were still in Ohio, Megan and I flew home to Nevada for my little sister Nychea's high school graduation. It was a terribly long trip for such a short time, but it was so worth it and so much fun! We left Columbus at 6am on Wednesday the 5th (that is 3am Pacific Time which means I woke up at 1am Pacific Time and only got about 4 hours of sleep).
We landed in Vegas around 10:30am and our good friend Mitchell, who lives there and came with us to Nychea's graduation, picked us up. Then we made the 3 hour drive from Vegas home, got ready, and were sitting down watching Nychea walk across the stage to get her diploma by 6:00 pm. Crazy.
Nychea is so lucky that she got to have my amazing and smart mama as a teacher in high school! My older sister Megan and I went to a different high school than the one where she taught. They share so many special memories together because of the time and experiences they shared at school. I love these two so much!
Nychea's friends are the cutest! I remember when she and Alexis (left) first met, they were in second grade! They used to play together at our house all the time and it is such a trip to think they are old enough to be out on their own now! *frownsmile*

^^^Aryton (left) is one of my very best friend's little brothers. It really freaks me out to see him. He is so tall and old! I just felt ancient when I saw him!^^^
^^^Hannah!!!!! That is all.^^^

After the ceremony our whole family - Samuel (he had to work and couldn't come and I was
SO sad about it) + Mitchell went to dinner at
The Jailhouse Cellblock Steakhouse, a local restaurant where Nychea worked during high school. I had the Baked Chicken Alaska and it was AMAZING! We tried to celebrate that night with Nychea, but we were just so tired after that long trip.
^^^We stole Nychea (and her dinosaur) back to Ohio with us for the weekend afterwards, and it was the greatest!^^^ |
We had a flight out of Vegas the next day around 3pm so we left the next morning, like I said, short trip. It was so much fun to see family and celebrate all of Nychea's accomplishments in high school with her though. I love her so much! I feel so blessed to have sisters who are my best friends as well. I can't believe Nychea is old enough to be a high school graduate and in college now! So crazy! She is the sweetest girl and she is so driven. I can't wait to see all that she accomplishes! One time I wrote a post about how much I love that girl. You can read it
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