
Two Months

The 22nd of February marked two months since Naomi has been with us. What a truly joyful two months it has been! She has such a sweet and easy going disposition. It is so much fun to spend my days with her.

Lately she loves: standing up with my help, bath time, getting read to, her playmat (she hits the animals hanging above her and coos and giggles as they swing over her head, it is so adorable), going for walks outside, being talked to, ceiling fans, getting her diaper changed, looking around at what is going on, Andrea Bocelli (she seriously loves him, we listen to his songs on repeat most days. If she is fussy and fighting sleep, I turn one of his songs on and she relaxes and goes right to sleep. It is the sweetest thing.), music in general, daddy's voice, looking in the mirror.

She doesn't like: the sun in her face, Peyton's kisses, getting out of the bath, when the truck stops at a stop light or stop sign.

She has gotten way better at: getting in her car seat, getting dressed, having her feet and face washed, sleeping (she usually wakes up only once in the night and then goes right back to sleep).

I love: kissing her 1,000 times a day, talking to her, letting her squeeze my fingers, giving her baths, our bedtime routine, singing to her, baby massages, her little leg rolls, her newly pierced ears (she cried, and I cried, but they are sooo cute!), reading to her, nursing her, her milky breath, the little coos and giggles she has started making recently, wearing her, taking her new places.
I feel so blessed to be Naomi's mommy! I love her so much! It has truly been the best two months of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy reading your blog. Think you were a smart mommy for getting her ears pierced now when mommy can care for them. Like you, I always dreamed of having a little girl with cute little pierced earrings. The best time to do it is under four months according to our pediatrician who encouraged me to do it and gave me some tips for mom having their babies and little girls ears pierced.

    There is nothing sweeter than a baby with little pierced earrings. It makes them look so feminine
    and ingénue. Our daughter is two now and is girlie-girl. She loves changing her earrings to match her dresses.

    Any moms looking for more research on "to pierce or not to pierce," drop me an e-mail for our ped's suggestions.



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