
Three Months!

This month has really flown by. I have been so happy to have warm days so we can go outside on walks and picnics. Naomi went on her first picnic on Saturday! We also took her to Bear Lake for the first time to meet her great-grandparents a couple weeks ago. She  was such a good little traveller (because we drove through the middle of the night both ways).

Naomi is now grabbing things really well (and sticking them in her mouth). She especially likes to chew and suck on her hands. She loves to sit in her Bumbo and be at eye level. She is cooing and ooing and ahhing like crazy! She tries mimicking my mouth movements when I talk or sing to her. She loves being sung to.

She still loves baths. Still loves getting her diaper changed. Still loves her play mat, even more the older she gets. Loves to nap in my bed or her MamaRoo the most. She is drooling like crazy now, and smiling even more! She loves to watch me get ready in the mornings. She loves to eat and is getting so big! She loves to go on walks and be outside. She is starting to notice our dog, Peyton more and always gets wiggly and excited when she is near. 

She holds her head up so well now and will lie on her tummy with her head up for long stretches of time. She likes to grab my hair and clothes when she is nursing, and in the mornings she likes to talk into my face and grab my nose and cheeks to wake me up.

She hates her car seat now and driving in the car no longer puts her to sleep or makes her happy, except sometimes if the windows are down to make noise. She mostly just cries in the car these days. She hates being left in a room alone, even for a second, she can sense when I walk away. She doesn't like to be on her tummy for very long, she does well for about 10 minutes and then she is over it.

I love to kiss and love on her in the mornings. My bed is our favorite cuddle spot. I could just squeeze her and kiss her and cuddle her all day! I love giving her a bath and getting her ready for bed. I love her sweet smiles and how excited she gets for different things we do now. I love wearing her in our Solly Baby Wrap. 

I love everything about being this sweet girl's mom. Even after all of the blow outs (I have scrubbed countless onesies and washed my sheets way more times than I would really like), the crying, the constant performance I have to put on to entertain her, the endless bouncing and swaying her in my arms to get her to fall asleep--it's still so worth it. And I would do it all a million times over to see her sweet little smile and hear her little voice. I don't ever want to forget the way her mouth moves and the look of determination on her face when she is trying to push out a sound. Or the way her innocent little eyes look up at me with pure love. I am a puddle of emotions and happy tears at least once a day. I try to really soak in every moment I get to spend with her.

I will stare at her for a few minutes at a time and just try to memorize her little features; the curve of her lips, the sparkle in her eyes, the raise of her nose, her fuzzy hair, her perfect skin. She is delightsome and lovely, and I am just so so lucky.